Dave's Video Graveyard
The Best of the Worst and the Worst of the Best of all things film....Hosted by Dave Mclennan and Casey Cumming find out all you need to know at www.davesvideograveyard.com
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Dave's Video Graveyard
This week Casey decided to get technical and attempt to record an episode via the internet with Wrestlerock's grumpiest man Criss Fresh, and the quality is almost as bad as the content. The duo go through a list of things they hate - long movies, M*A*S*H*, Post-Grunge bands, and Chrissy Swan. They both fart into their mics, but Casey leaves because she has to poo. The quality content that you've come to expect from DVG.
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Check out Fresh on Geek Dudes or Hey Hey It's The Podcast here:
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